Have you ever wondered what those 9 tiny small squares are all about on your Transform palette?!! Well, those tiny squares are called 9-Point Proxy which corresponds to the 8 points of an object's bounding box and its center.
If you click on any one point of this 9 points, your selected point is highlighted by black color and the x, y coordinates also changes depending on the point you have selected, that is: clicking a different point reveals the coordinates for that point of the selection.

When specifying transformations like rotation or skew values, or width or height settings the point you choose becomes the origin point, the point from which the transformation originates. For example, rotating an object from any of corner or side points yields very different results from that same rotation applied to its center point.

Oh and while I am at it, you may also like to check out my other Illustrator Tips/Tricks I have written over at Vectordiary:
i realy like your blog and your style
Oh That's really nice to hear! :) Thank You.
I never knew what a 9-point proxy was. However I came to your blog and I now fully understand. Thanks :)
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